Unrelated Thoughts

Friday, August 19, 2005

Conspiracy Theories

9-11 Attacks were planned by terrorists. There's no doubt about it. Ain't it?

People who love conspiracy theories (those who loved Duchovny's The X-Files and Mel Gibson's Conspiracy Theory...) have started digging on the pictures and footage of the 9-11 plane attacks, and have found some (disturbing?) evidence that something doesn't fit the official American government position about what happened that day.

Let's see:

  1. Reviewing the pictures of the Pentagon, one may conclude that the plane that hit there either had no wings (!!!), or was not a Boeing 757 but rather a smaller (maybe military?) plane (!!!)
  2. No Arabs found on the autopsy of the bodies of Flight 77 (the one that hit the Pentagon)
  3. A peculiar "three-dimensional anomaly" on the Flight 175 (the one that hit the second tower of the WTC) and the apparent lack of windows that makes it resemble the shape of a military refueling tank Boeing 767, and not of a civilian plane
  4. A video of the first plane crashing the WTC apparently shows that it was too little to be a Boeing 767
  5. The Flight 93 (the one that hit ground on Philadelphia) ceased to have any electronic activity three minutes before hiting ground. Was it attacked with a high-powered microwave weapon?

While I do still think that the USA suffered from a terrorist attack, there's apparently enough evidence to believe that the government either knew about the attack before it happened (and still let it happen), or that it took advantage of it by "enhancing" the damages so to get full support from that country's people. I don't actually believe the theory that the whole thing was a hoax created by Bush.

What do you think?


  • Actually, one needn't study 9/11 at much depth to recognize that the official government account of events does not fit the facts.

    Perhaps the best example revolves around Bush's incriminating 9/11 witness statements. The statements are well-documented. So after you've checked out the link, just ask yourself: Which is more revealing, the revealing content of the statements themselves, or the fact that both the mainstream media and the so-called 'opposition' party have never brought them up?

    The fact that the media doesn't tell us what it should, plus the fact that the Dems do not truly oppose the Reps, goes hand-in-hand with the fact that 9/11 was an Inside Job and most people still haven't recognized it (because the people they trust to "mind the store" for them haven't mentioned it...).

    Yes, it would take a consipracy larger than 9/11 to keep the conspiracy of 9/11 covered up. That's what we have. Deal with it!

    If you believe that if even one single reporter figured it out, you'd hear about it, you're mistaken. If you belive that if the Dems found out that Bush said he had foreknowledge of the attack, they'd make a big deal about it, you're wrong.

    Imagine having an old-fashioned town crier who was corrupt. He'd shout "10 o'clock and all's well" every night, even though all was not well... He'd probably tell you about other stuff, to keep you from getting too suspicious too soon, but he'd not tell you about the biggest, most imminent threat.

    The bottom-line question is: how many things do you have to find wrong with the official government explanation for 9/11 before you reject the entire explanation as a huge lie? (What's your BBS [BIG BS] threshhold? Pick a number from 1 to 10, please...)

    If you can't tell when someone you don't know (a friend you haven't met yet) is telling you the truth, and that your government is lying to you, then maybe you didn't deserve to live under the U.S. Constitution (may it R.I.P.) anyway...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:40 PM  

  • This is too deep! I believe that you have to be a skeptic when dealing with what the media and the government are serving you. You don't know if you should believe or not what you read anymore. And this applies not only for news and newspapers but also for books, the internet and so on. It seems that everybody is manipulating news and info the way they want to serve their needs... A site-effect of technology and abundance?

    By Blogger The Furui Man, at 11:19 AM  

  • Spam alert! Spam alert!!

    By Blogger The Furui Man, at 9:26 AM  

  • It's gone already...
    I deleted 2 on this blog, and 5 on the other... I'm starting to think that I should stop the anonymous comment option...
    We'll see...

    By Blogger Giancarlo, at 10:54 AM  

  • You haven't reply on the Yakufia... It's not a spam!

    By Blogger The Furui Man, at 11:38 AM  

  • Of course I have...

    By Blogger Giancarlo, at 2:47 PM  

  • Sorry, just checked gmail. So now we are 3. We can start adding content there... Should I post the modified photo?

    By Blogger The Furui Man, at 4:31 PM  

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